Indie MarketFest is a creative marketplace located in Bandung the Capital of Fashion & Art Creativity in Indonesia, we collaborates and promotes several local Indie brands from small to large scale retailers in Indonesia.Indie MarketFest is an online to offline marketplace or everyone mentions it as future Retailing ‘OMNICHANNEL RETAILING’, our marketplace allows every brand to open and manage online and offline online and integrate everything from stocks to sales and people.We hope to provide retail convenience for the community to buy or sell creative goods from various categories, from FASHION, ART, JEWELRY, BODYCARE and HOME LIVING, customers can access our site or mobile apps to search and buy creative goods they need. We also provide convenience and secure transactions, promos, discounts and attractive offers. Our highest priority is to create the best online shopping experience for every customer in Indonesia.Indie MarketFest under PT INDIE MARKETINDO CERIA will start entering Indonesia at the end of the first quarter of 2019 and will start operating by the end of the first semester of 2019.INDIE MARKETFEST - APPRECIATE IDEAS AND CREATIVITY